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中文名: Polyethylene (Mw, 6 280 g/mol) 英文名: Polyethylene (Mw, 6 280 g/mol) 货号:
SRM 2885

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Polyethylene (Mw, 6 280 g/mol) 0.3g puck健竹生物提供

美国国家标准与技术研究院(National Institute of Standards and Technology,NIST)直属美国商务部,




热线 0755-89218889


货号:SRM 2885

品名 : Polyethylene (Mw, 6 280 g/mol)




石灰石,泥质:limestone, argillaceous 1d 70 g

铸铁:cast iron 4l 150 g

铸铁:cast iron 5m 150 g

铸铁:cast iron 6g 150 g

转炉钢(模拟),0.1%的碳:bessemer steel (simulated), 0.1 % carbon 8k 150 g

基本平炉钢,0.4%碳:basic open-hearth steel, 0.4% carbon 12h 150 g

0.6%碳钢:0.6% carbon steel 13g 150 g

碳钢(aisi 1078):carbon steel (aisi 1078) 14g 150 g

基本平炉钢,1%的碳:basic open- hearth steel, 1% carbon 16f 150 g

蔗糖旋光度:sucrose optical rotation 17f 60 g

基本的电工钢,0.2%碳:basic electric steel, 0.2% carbon 19h 150 g

aisi 1045钢:aisi 1045 steel 20g 150 g

锰矿:manganese ore 25d 60 g

洛杉矶钢,铬钒(sae 6150):la steel, cr-v (sae 6150) 30f 150 g

镍铬钢(sae 3140):nickel-chromium steel (sae 3140) 32e 150 g

洛杉矶钢,镍钼(sae 4820):la steel, ni-mo (sae 4820) 33e 150 g

铬钼钢:chromium-molybdenum steel 36b 150 g

铜凝固点:cu freezing point 45d 450 g

硅酸盐水泥细度标准:portland cement fineness std 46h 10 vials x 5 g

铅冰点:lead freezing point 49e 600 g

钨铬钒钢:tungsten-chromium-vanadium steel 50c 150 g

轴承金属(84pb-10sb-6sn):bearing metal (84pb-10sb-6sn) 53e 150 g

轴承金属(锡基):bearing metal (tin base) 54d 170 g

金属硅:silicon metal 57b 40 g

硅铁(73%硅普通级):ferrosilicon (73% si regular grade) 58a 75 g

硅铁:ferrosilicon 59a 50 g

铬铁,高碳:ferrochromium, high carbon 64c 100 g

锰铁,高碳:ferromanganese, high carbon 68c 100 g

钾长石:bauxite (arkansas) 69b 60 g

洛杉矶钢(aisi 4130):potassium feldspar 70b 1 bottle x 40g

不锈钢,铬(sae 420):la steel (aisi 4130) 72g 150 g

被烧的耐火材料(的al2o3-40%):stainless steel, cr (sae 420) 73c 150 g

被烧的耐火材料(的al2o3-60%):burnt refractory (al203-40%) 76a 75 g

被烧的耐火材料(的al2o3-70%):burnt refractory (al203-60%) 77a 75 g

萤石,海关级:burnt refractory (al203-70%) 78a 75 g

玻璃砂:fluorspar, customs grade 79a 120 g

铸铁(镍铬):glass sand 81a 75 g

铝 - 硅合金:potassium hydrogen phthalate 84l 60 g

白云质灰岩:aluminum-silicon alloy 87a 75 g

玻璃,铅钡:dolomitic limestone 88b 75 g

磷铁:glass, lead barium 89 45 g

硼硅玻璃:soda-lime glass powder 92 45 g

锌基压铸合金:borosilicate glass 93a wafer

焦宝石:zinc-base die casting alloy 94c 150 g

塑料粘土:flint clay 97b 60 g

苏打长石:plastic clay 98b 60 g

洛杉矶钢,锰(sae t340):soda feldspar 99b 40 g

不锈钢(aisi 304l):la steel, manganese (sae t340) 100b 150 g

洛杉矶钢,铬钼铝(nitralloy rg):stainless steel (aisi 304l) 101g 100 g

铸铁(镍铬钼):la steel, cr-mo-al (nitralloy rg) 106b 150 g

锌精矿:cast iron (ni-cr-mo) 107c 150 g

硅酸盐水泥细度标准:zinc concentrate 113b 100 g

铸铁(铜 - 镍 - 铬):portland cement fineness std 114q 20 vials

磷矿石(佛罗里达州):cast iron (cu-ni-cr) 115a 150 g

铸铁:phosphate rock (florida) 120c 90 g

不锈钢,铬镍铌(aisi 348):cast iron 122i 150 g

洛杉矶钢,高硅:stainless steel, cr-ni-nb (aisi 348) 123c 150 g

高镍钢(36%镍):la steel, high silicon 125b 1 bottle x 100 g

焊接,40sn-60pb:high-nickel steel (36 % ni) 126c 150 g

洛杉矶钢,高含硫(sae 112):solder, 40sn-60pb 127b 150 g

工具钢(aisi m2):la steel, high sulfur (sae 112) 129c 150 g

铬钼钢:tool steel (aisi m2) 132b 150 g

工具钢,钼钨,铬钒:chromium-molybdenum steel 133b 150 g

重铬酸钾(氧化滴定标准):tool steel, mo-w-cr-v 134a 150 g

洛杉矶钢,cr-ni-mo系(aisi 8640):potassium dichromate, (oxidimetric standard) 136f 60 g

乙酰苯胺:la steel, cr-ni-mo (aisi 8640) 139b 150 g

烟酸:cystine 143d 2 g

基本平炉钢,0.5%碳(田轴承):nicotinic acid 148 2 g

钛白粉:basic open-hearth steel, 0.5% carbon (tin bearing) 152a 150 g

洛杉矶钢,cr-w:titanium dioxide 154c 90 g

青铜,硅:la steel, cr-w 155 150 g

不锈钢(铬18镍12钼2)(aisi 316):bronze, silicon 158a 150 g

洛杉矶钢,1.0c的:stainless steel (cr 18-ni 12-mo 2) (aisi 316) 160b 150 g

玻璃砂(低铁):la steel, 1.0 c 163 100 g

不锈钢,低碳钢(aisi 316l):glass sand (low iron) 165a 75 g

钛合金(6al-4v):stainless steel, low-carbon (aisi 316l) 166c 100 g

0.4c碱性氧气转炉钢:0.4c basic oxygen furnace steel 178 150 g

洛杉矶钢,高硅:la steel, high silicon 179 150 g

萤石,高品位:fluorspar, high grade 180 120 g

锂矿石(锂辉石):lithium ore (spodumene) 181 45 g

锂矿(透锂长石):lithium ore (petalite) 182 45 g

锂矿(锂云母):lithium ore (lepidolite) 183 45 g

ph值标准,(设置186-ig的+ 186-ii-g):ph standards, (set of 186-i-g + 186-ii-g) 186g set

四硼酸钠(硼砂),ph值:sodium tetraborate (borax), ph 187e 30 g

草酸三钾二水合物ph值标准:potassium tetroxalate dihydrate ph standard 189c 65 g

ph值标准,(设置191d-i + 191d-ⅱ):ph standards, (set of 191d-i + 191d-ii) 191d 1 bottle x25g;1bottlex30g

硅铁(75%硅的hp级):ferrosilicon (75% si-hp grade) 195 75 g

铬铁,低碳:ferrochromium, low carbon 196 100 g

硅砖:silica brick 198 45 g

硅砖:silica brick 199 45 g

钨精矿:tungsten concentrate 277 1 bottle x 100 g

黑曜石岩:obsidian rock 278 35 g

洛杉矶钢,铬钼钢(astm a 213):la steel, cr-mo (astm a 213) 291 150 g

洛杉矶钢,cr-ni-mo系(aisi 8620):la steel, cr-ni-mo (aisi 8620) 293 150 g

铜矿磨头:copper ore mill heads 330a 1 bottle x 90 g

铜矿磨尾:copper ore mill tails 331a 40 g

钼硫化精矿:molybdenum sulfide concentrate 333a 1 pouch x 60 g

灰铸铁(碳硫):gray cast iron (carbon & sulfur) 334 150 g

白口铸铁(碳硫):white cast iron (carbon & sulfur) 338 150 g

不锈钢,铬镍硒(sae 30):stainless steel, cr-ni-se (sae 30) 339 150 g

球墨铸铁:ductile cast iron 341 150 g

球墨铸铁:nodular cast iron 342a 150 g

不锈钢(aisi 431):stainless steel (aisi 431) 343a 150 g

医管局钢,(莫沉淀硬化):ha steel, (mo precipitation hardening) 344 150 g

阀门钢:ha steel, (cu precipitation hardening) 345a 150 g

嗨温度。合金(a286)镍铬:valve steel 346a 150 g

沃斯帕洛:hi temp. alloy, (a286) ni-cr 348a 150 g

碳酸钠:waspaloy 349a 150 g

锆(即sn-fe-cr系)合金:sodium carbonate 351a 50 g

aisi 4340钢:zirconium (sn-fe-cr) alloy 360b 100 g

铬钒钢(修改):aisi 4340 steel 361 150 g

洛杉矶钢,高音c(模块):chromium-vanadium steel (modified) 363 150 g

碳钢(aisi 1211):la steel, high c (mod.) 364 150 g

非合金铜六(筹):carbon steel (aisi 1211) 368 150 g

非合金铜七(筹):unalloyed copper vi (chips) 399 50 g

氧化钼精矿:unalloyed copper vii (chips) 400 50 g

非合金铜十一(筹):molybdenum oxide concentrate 423 1 pouch x 60 g

非合金铜四(固体):unalloyed copper xi (chips) 454 35 g

铍铜(17510):unalloyed copper iv (solid) 457 rod

铍铜(17200):beryllium-copper (17510) 458 50 g

铍铜(17300):beryllium-copper (17200) 459 50 g

钨钼电子探针:beryllium-copper (17300) 460 50 g

金银电子探针:tungsten-molybdenum epma 480 disk

金 - 铜电子探针:gold-silver epma 481 set (6)

非合金铜我(固体):gold-copper epma 482 set (6)

非合金铜二(固体):unalloyed copper i (solid) 494 rod

非合金铜v(固体):unalloyed copper ii (solid) 495 rod

非合金铜六(固体):unalloyed copper v (solid) 498 rod

非合金铜七(固体):unalloyed copper vi (solid) 499 rod

铝土矿,澳大利亚达令:unalloyed copper vii (solid) 500 rod

钾长石:bauxite, australian-darling range 600 90 g

微量元素在玻璃元素:potassium feldspar 607 5 g

微量元素在玻璃元素:trace elements in glass 610 4 wafers

微量元素在玻璃元素:trace elements in glass 611 4 wafers

微量元素在玻璃元素:trace elements in glass 612 4 wafers

微量元素在玻璃元素:trace elements in glass 613 4 wafers

微量元素在玻璃元素:trace elements in glass 614 4\wafers

微量元素在玻璃元素:trace elements in glass 615 4 wafers

微量元素在玻璃元素:trace elements in glass 616 4 wafers

苏打石灰,平:trace elements in glass 617 4 wafers

钠钙硅(耐久性):soda lime, flat 620 set (3)

硼硅酸盐(耐久性):soda-lime silica (durability) 622 2.2 kg

铅二氧化硅,直流电阻率:borosilicate (durability) 623 2.2 kg

锌基一:lead-silica, for dc resistivity 624 200 g

锌基b:zinc-base a 625 block

锌基?:zinc-base b 626 block

锌基e:zinc-base c 627 block

锌基电子astm交流41a:zinc-base d 628 block

锌基类的f:zinc-base e-astm ac 41a 629 block

粗锌(型号):zinc-base f 630 block

硅酸盐水泥:zinc spelter (mod.) 631 block

硅酸盐水泥:portland cement 633a 4 vials x 5 g

硅粉线位置+线形标准的粉末衍射的:portland cement 634a 100 g

钛合金,锰8(a):silicon powder line position + line shape std for powder dif 640d 7.5 g

钛合金,锰8(b):titanium alloy, 8 mn (a) 641 disk

钛合金,锰8(c):titanium alloy, 8 mn (b) 642 disk

钛合金,铝钼锡锆:titanium alloy, 8 mn (c) 643 disk

钛合金,铝,锡,锆,铬钼:titanium alloy, al-mo-sn-zr 647 50 g

钛合金,v型铝铬锡:titanium alloy, al-sn-zr-cr-mo 648 50 g

非合金钛:titanium alloy, v-al-cr-sn 649 50 g

钛的合金,al-v:unalloyed titanium a 650 30 g

氮化硅粉体定量分析:titanium alloy, al-v 654b disk

粒径分布标准沉降图校准:silicon nitride powders for quantitative analysis 656 2 x 10 g

铬钒钢(修改):particle size distribution standard for sedigraph calibration 659 set (5)

电解铁:chromium-vanadium steel (modified) 663 5 rods

金红石矿:electrolytic iron 665 5 rods

氧化镍1:rutile ore 670 90 g

氧化镍2:nickel oxide 1 671 25 g

氧化镍3:nickel oxide 2 672 25 g

x射线粉末衍射强度套装(定量粉末衍射标准):nickel oxide 3 673 25 g

线位置,云母(xrd):x-ray powder diffraction intensity set (quantitative powder diffraction standard) 674b 10.00 g (powder)

氧化铝粉末x-射线衍射定量分析:line position, mica (xrd) 675 7.5 g

砖瓦粘土:alumina powder for quantitative analysis by x-ray diffraction 676a 20 g

高纯度锌:brick clay 679 75 g

锌,金属:high purity zinc 682 block

高纯度黄金(棒):zinc, metal 683 block

玄武岩岩:high purity gold (rod) 685r rod 15g

硅铬铁:basalt rock 688 60 g

铁矿石加拿大:ferrochromium silicon 689 100 g powder

铁氧化物,降低了:iron ore canada 690 100 g

铁矿石,拉布拉多:iron oxide, reduced 691 100 g

铁矿石(宁巴):iron ore, labrador 692 100 g

磷矿石,西:iron ore (nimba) 693 100 g

微量元素多种营养素肥料元素:phosphate rock, western 694 90 g

铝土矿,苏里南:trace elements in multi-nutrient fertilizer 695 70 g

铝土矿,多明尼加:bauxite, surinam 696 60 g

铝土矿,牙买加:bauxite, dominican 697 60 g

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