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Staphylococcus Alpha Antitoxin, Equine/Staphylococcus Alpha Antitoxin, Equine查看详细
SSC/ISTH Secondary Coagulation Standard Lot#4/SSC/ISTH Secondary Coagulation Standard Lot#4查看详细
Anti-Staphylococcal P-V Leucocidin serum, Equine/Anti-Staphylococcal P-V Leucocidin serum, Equine查看详细
Anti-Salmonella Pullorum Serum (Variant Form V)/Anti-Salmonella Pullorum Serum (Variant Form V)查看详细
Anti-Salmonella Pullorum Serum (Std. Form S)/Anti-Salmonella Pullorum Serum (Std. Form S)查看详细
Smallpox Vaccine/Smallpox Vaccine查看详细
Anti-Swine Fever Serum/Anti-Swine Fever Serum查看详细
Swine Erysipelas Serum (anti-N)/Swine Erysipelas Serum (anti-N)查看详细
Anti-rubella Immunoglobulin, Human/Anti-rubella Immunoglobulin, Human查看详细
Thromboplastin, Human Recombinant, Plain (4th I.S.) (Panel of 5 ampoules for use with 5 diluent 08/146)./Thromboplastin, Human Recombinant, Plain (4th I.S.) (Panel of 5 ampoules for use with 5 diluent 08/146).查看详细
Thromboplastin,rabbit,plain(pack of 5 ampoules) with diluent (pack of 5 04/210)/Thromboplastin,rabbit,plain(pack of 5 ampoules) with diluent (pack of 5 04/210)查看详细
Anti-rabies Immunoglobulin, Human/Anti-rabies Immunoglobulin, Human查看详细
Anti-Q Fever Serum, Bovine/Anti-Q Fever Serum, Bovine查看详细
Purified Protein Derivative (PPD) of M. Tuberculosis Tuberculin/Purified Protein Derivative (PPD) of M. Tuberculosis Tuberculin查看详细
Purified Protein Derivative (PPD) of Bovine Tuberculin/Purified Protein Derivative (PPD) of Bovine Tuberculin查看详细
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