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Blood coagulation Factors II, VII, IX, X Plasma (4th International Standard)/Blood coagulation Factors II, VII, IX, X Plasma (4th International Standard)查看详细
Anti-Meningococcal factor H binding protein variant 1 (JAR4) monoclonal antibody/Anti-Meningococcal factor H binding protein variant 1 (JAR4) monoclonal antibody查看详细
Human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV) for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques (1st International Standard)/Human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV) for Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques (1st International Standard)查看详细
Clostridium Sordellii anti-serum(1st International standard)/Clostridium Sordellii anti-serum(1st International standard)查看详细
Influenza anti A/New York/107/2003 (H7) HA serum (Sheep SH504 and SH505)/Influenza anti A/New York/107/2003 (H7) HA serum (Sheep SH504 and SH505)查看详细
Prader Willi & Angelman Syndromes, Human gDNA,(1st International Genetic Reference Panel)/Prader Willi & Angelman Syndromes, Human gDNA,(1st International Genetic Reference Panel)查看详细
Genetic Reference Panel, for the quantitation of BCR-ABL translocation by RQ-PCR (1st I.S.)/Genetic Reference Panel, for the quantitation of BCR-ABL translocation by RQ-PCR (1st I.S.)查看详细
Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor (Human, rDNA Derived)(2nd International Standard)/Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor (Human, rDNA Derived)(2nd International Standard)查看详细
Human Coronavirus 229E Working Reagent for Nucleic Acid Amplification Testing/Human Coronavirus 229E Working Reagent for Nucleic Acid Amplification Testing查看详细
Influenza Virus Infectious NIBRG-122/Influenza Virus Infectious NIBRG-122查看详细
Negative Control for use in flow cytometry cross matching (FCXM) and anti-HLA serology/Negative Control for use in flow cytometry cross matching (FCXM) and anti-HLA serology查看详细
Parvovirus B19 DNA Nucleic Acid Amplification Technology(NAT) based assays Genotype Panel(1st International Standard)/Parvovirus B19 DNA Nucleic Acid Amplification Technology(NAT) based assays Genotype Panel(1st International Standard)查看详细
Influenza anti A/mallard/England/727/2006 (N3) NA serum (NIBRG-107) (Sheep SH503)/Influenza anti A/mallard/England/727/2006 (N3) NA serum (NIBRG-107) (Sheep SH503)查看详细
QCRHIV2QC3- Anti HIV2: Quality Control Serum: Sample 3/QCRHIV2QC3- Anti HIV2: Quality Control Serum: Sample 3查看详细
QCRVZVQC1-Anti VZV:Quality Control Serum: Sample 1/QCRVZVQC1-Anti VZV:Quality Control Serum: Sample 1查看详细
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